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The name of my research paper is "Film in Relation to Religious Influence on Global Issues" which was done with my mentor, Mary Lou Pfeiffer, who is a faculty member at Florida International University. I have done this research through the Advanced Research and Creativity in Honors (ARCH) program that FIU Honors College provides to present with a poster at the Conference for Undergraduate Research at FIU (CURFIU). I began the research project in the beginning of August 2016 where I searched for intercultural related ideas, leading me to the interest of how media had an impact similar to religion on people's thoughts and actions of their surrounding world. From that point on, during the Fall 2016 semester, I had previously asked other faculty staff, who studied areas of religion, about resources to use such as books, articles, and films to focus on a narrower scale. So then I wrote information on elements I would incorporate, such as the lotus flower, films and religions using the symbol, and climate change. During the Spring 2017 semester, I watched and analyzed films I chose, which are "Mulan" and "Life of Pi", and made connections between the messages the film portrayed through use of symbols and how people react or take action to climate change. On March 29th 2017, I presented my research at CURFIU (as shown in the image to the right).  Conducting this research has taught me not only the content of what I was researching but also how to handle the process in itself. I learned that one of the most necessary skills that I grew to learn was interaction with various professors and coaches to find out how to efficiently present my research, or analysis on films containing religious symbols that affects young adult's perceptions on climate change. This also taught about communicating clearly about what I wanted to write about and describe to a wider range of audiences, especially when presenting with an open mind or seeing what others may or may not understand and being sure to clarify doubts. As for the film analysis, I learned about integrating multiple subjects and finding relations leading to the thought of how symbols such as the lotus flower are used in popular cultures, particularly with characteristics like peace, wisdom, and perseverance for there being a light in the darkest times.

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